Sunday 27 February 2011

My mom is AMAZING!

Meet my mom:

She is by far the most amazing woman I know.  She is strong.  She is brave.  She is giving and kind.  Really, she never ceases to amaze me.  I don't know how I ever got so lucky to be blessed with this woman as MY mother, but hey - I'll take it!

My mom is the kind of friend (yes, she's my friend too!) that you can always, always, always count on.  If there is any way she can help you out, she will.  Even if you are a total stranger.

She never stops working towards a better tomorrow... and when she does, she travels to Jamaica to help them build their own better tomorrow. 

She is a strong believer that even teenagers can do some good in the most beautiful way. 

She works with the adult students in her community; the ones who are so brave to go back to school and try to get a high school diploma.

She never stops giving her time and her love to her 8 sisters and 5 brothers - and countless nieces and nephews (we're talking hundreds, folks!)

She makes up for her absence at Church by volunteering... sometimes at church, sometimes in the ghettos of Jamaica helping the poor.

And because she isn't busy enough, she also helps other local charities reach their fundraising goal (or food-raising!).

When she's done all of that, she comes home to a loving husband

And then gets busy loving on her kids and her only grandson (for now)

Yeah, she's the best.

Thursday 17 February 2011

First timer, still trying to figure this out!

I've been trying to come up with a way to introduce myself and my family without sounding super lame with the whole "this is my first blog" post.  I'm finding it rather difficult.  What do you say to someone who knows nothing about you?  So, I'm going to go ahead and be lame.  Sorry!

That's me!

I'm a 23 year old mother of one amazing boy, Sam, who is having his half birthday next week! 

Sam at 4.5 months

I've totally enjoyed watching him grow, learn and become his own little person.  I'm also in a common-law relationship with Sam's sweet father, Max. 

Those are my boys!

We're living in Guelph, Ontario but are both originally from Quebec.  We've been together a wonderful year and a half (and counting!)

I'm very much looking forward to discovering the blogger world and sharing our lives with you!